The National idea is intellectual capital

The task of the intellectual capital project is to show the balance of intellectual and non-intellectual capital in our country and to objectify the conclusion that there is no intellectual capital, as there is no trade item which can be considered as intangible assets. The indicator of intellectual capital is the amount of intangible assets in the gross domestic product.

«How to raise?»
A. Lavrov, oil on canvas / 2005

The form of the intellectual capital’s formation is the new show called The Wedding According to the Laws of Physics is the Main Wedding in the Country

«Triumph of physics on Red Square »
A. Ryabchevskaya, oil on canvas, metal / 2005

…and then everything turned out just like in a fairy tale. Pregnant science has risen from Minin and Pozharsky Square and presented the liberation sword in the form of intellectual capital to the sovereign man... …

«Pregnant Science»
A. Lavrov oil on canvas / 2005

With a parade of good habits.

«Parade of good habits»
A. Ryabchevskaya oil on canvas / 2005

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